
For over than 10 years, 3Gcom has supported utilities in Morocco, to improve their business operations and reducing their costs, maintaining at the same time services reliability of their critical infrastructures.

Communication solutions

3Gcom supports utilities achieving these goals by providing mission critical communications solutions that can be deployed to enhance their efficiency and controlling costs.
3Gcom propose the best platform for fully connected and secure communications with voice, data, location services, and vehicle telemetry communications.

Secured solutions

Utilities require secure communication networks, 3Gcom help you choose the most convenient,
strong and secure solutions adapted to your needs and meeting regulatory requirements, ensuring your assets and staff are protected and performing optimally whatever the conditions.

Technology consulting

With extensive experience serving utility industry, 3Gcom leverage powerful analytics of technologies and gives you the right information for smart decisions and actionable insights that drive bottom line results. .

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