
In a highly regulated and competitive market, banks need every advantage to exceed customer expectations and differentiate. To achieve this, banks need to increase their infrastructure reliability and improve constantly their information access process through different solutions.


To drive customer service excellence, while ensuring high levels of security and compliance, banks- are investing in new technologies and reinforcing its network infrastructure and safety through different solutions adapted to each organization.
CCTV solutions, Fire alarms, Wifi, LAN networks , access control equipments and technology based products are a proven cost effective infrastructural advancement that supports efficiency and profitability, while protecting assets, customers, and banks organisations that operates in multiple offices.


Financial services firms now recognize the emergent need for quick access to centralized data, and they are not content to propagate the traditional model of storing data. 3Gcom designs optimized storage solutions , including delivery of systems and software as well as quality services ensuring the key points below:

  • Data availability
  • Reliability with approved quality products
  • Clear strategy in product development, accountability of all models
  • Disaster recovery of solutions.
  • Micro datacenters

    Banks safeguard cutomer information on premise data centers, as well as on branch operations and branch offices. 3Gcom offers tailored data center solution that are reliable, secure and available to deliver successfully internal IT services to its organization.

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